In 85, the BBC Crew (Jon, Ash2 and Jay) start to paint on walls @ Stalingrad. According to HH pionners like Dee Nasty (Zulu nation france) or Gabin Nuissier (Actuel Force) this is were all began.
In 86, the first subways and trains were burned and the painters start to be organised to avoid to be caught.
This book is definitly a "must have " for every graffiti fan, out of print for ages, you really got to catch it if you meet this "holy grail" in a second hand library. It features Bando, Azyle, Stem, Dea, Oeno, Nasty, Banga, Boxer, Jon, Ash2, Skki, Lokkiss, Mode 2, Darco and the FBI crew, Epson, Torpe, Numéro 6 and many more....
I've scanned my favorites pictures, and they speak louder than words....

Leave you with this track to illustate this post:
Fabe -Ca fait partie de mon passé