Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Dave Kinsey

You all probably already know the design studio/company BLK/MKT because of the huge success of Shepard Fairley-Obey during Obama's presidential campaign.
Dave Kinsey is the other founding member of BLK/MKT. He started his work in the street drawing, painting, sticking some portrayals of urban characters.

You'll see below what he used to do years ago, great transcription of the urban contemporary life... Check out what he's doing now on his website, a little bit different...

Dave Kinsey also worked on designing a mini-serie of 4 twelve inches released on Om record, label founded by the rap band People Under The Stairs.
I would say that they're worth to buy for the covers, my favorite track is an instrumental one by Mission and Michael Morgan.

Michael Morgan & Mission - Feelin' allright

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Stores in Beyoglu, Istanbul

Flicks from my last trip in Beyoglu a part of the modern Istanbul by writer The and friends...

I don't know if Beyaz Kelebekler is the name of the singer or the band, this tracks appears on the compilation Turkish Freakout which was released on the label Bouzouki Joe.

Beyaz Kelebekler - Esmerim

Friday, 11 March 2011

Turkish delights

Gabin, on the road again, enjoying local pastries....

It's pretty hard to find vynils from 70-80's in Istanbul because of the hype behind this.
I found few ones I wanted to share with you guys. Here's a piece of my digging time in Istanbul, the famous rock singer Baris Manco with his LP 2023 released in 1975.
This is the combo between anatolian psyche-rock, funky breaks and turkish pop. This opus stands as a concept-album that includes many instrumental songs.
The groovy blend vur ha vur for you ladies and gents!

Baris Manco - Vur ha, vur...!